In today’s age where everyone and their mum has a blog and when countless daily outfits are lost in the stream and endless scroll that is Instagram, it seems like fashion blogging has lost its edge.
The increasing number of sponsored posts has created a bit of a stagnant environment where each blog just feels like a recreation of the last. Don’t get me wrong. I think businesses working with bloggers is freaking great. It’s how so many bloggers have been able to switch to full time. But I feel like this input from brands has flattened the otherwise insanely unique world of fashion and created, and I don’t mean to be dramatic, some kind of army of clones sporting the seasons upcoming trends.
Well, I call bullshit.
I don’t want to see 10 girls wear the same skirt in the same way! I want to see Tavi’s bunching up their skirts and wearing ridiculously amazing hats to school. I would literally kill (well, maybe not kill) to see a bunch of badass blogging babes just doing their thing. Sure, go to town with sponsorships, a girl’s gotta eat! But, for me, I don’t think we need a regurgitation of Vogue all over the internet.
While bloggers originally got little more than an eye roll, when magazines and companies realised the value of a bunch of internet-obsessed bloggers, the whole approach of the fashion industry shifted. Bloggers are able to work with huge labels, they sit front row, and they spawn new and exciting businesses from their online havens. While this is great, I feel like, overall, it has turned blogging into just another medium to present a pre-determined generalisation of fashion.
Fashion blogging is free press. It’s our voice. There are no limits, no boundaries, we are free to write our own rules.
Sometimes I doubt the need for new bloggers, it held me back for months. But there are always new stories to tell. There are always new ways to wear combat boots. We, undoubtedly, need fresh meat. We need people to be creative and people who will wear floral print bloomers because it’s Wednesday and they make me feel like a very feminine rock star.
Style/fashion/bodily-protective-wear is whatever we make it – not what is in the pages of a magazine.
Please, don’t misunderstand this and feel like I’m targeting anyone or being a major grump. These are just my thoughts and, I guess, my stance on blogging today.
What do you reckon? Is fashion blogging still relevant?
Forever free press and constantly day-dreaming,